Q and I will both be heading back to school next week, so I’m thinking this is the perfect opportunity to shift our agreements around media use. This summer I did a one-week challenge with about 90% success rate (hahah, I just looked back at a previous post where I estimated my success at 80%! Maybe I’ll keep a log this time).
I owe much of that success to having some planned activities to turn to when the impulse strikes to say “go ahead and watch while I finish…”
To prepare for my goal of the four-week fast recommended by Dr. Victoria Dunckley, I put together a whole 28-days worth of screen-free activities available for free download below! (Ugh, my technological ineptness strikes again – actually can’t figure out how to make it downloadable, so feel free to screen shot (there’s a second page with some tips on specific activities, so if you want that email me.)
Update: I figured it out! You can download the complete file on my Free Resources page.